/*Railways in Thailand: Bang Sue Junction : State Railway of Thailand Bang Sue Junction : State Railway of Thailand - Railways in Thailand


Bang Sue Junction : State Railway of Thailand

Location : Bang Sue Bangkok (Krung Thep), Thailand

Bang Sue Junction

This station is the branch point between the southern line and the northern line.
The platform is divided into areas for south and north lines.
It is divided before and after one platform.
You can not get on a train if you stay in the wrong position, so you need to be careful when using it.

The appearance of the station

Station front.
It is possible to enter the station platform from anywhere.
Pedestrian bridge are currently unavailable.
There is an entrance of the MRT station on the right side of the photo.

Bang Sue Junction

Full view of the platform.
You can see that the platform is quite long.

Bang Sue Junction

Connection to MRT station

It is convenient to transfer to MRT.
The time table of MRT is posting at the station.

Bang Sue Junction

Walk through the platform

Walked from the Bangkok side toward the north side of the platform.
Encountered a passing train bound for Hua Hin at the northern end of the platform.

The southern end of the platform.

Bang Sue Junction

The platform number is displayed from 1 to 4.
Bang Sue Junction

Toilet at this station is charged.
The charge is unconfirmed.
Bang Sue Junction

Passenger's waiting area on platform.
Bang Sue Junction

Passenger chairs are lining in the center of the platform.
Bang Sue Junction

Bang Sue Junction

Bang Sue Junction

I think this is the official entrance to the station.
Bang Sue Junction

There is a ticket office near the center of the platform.
Bang Sue Junction

There is an information window on the other side of the ticket office.
Bang Sue Junction

Northern central platform has no roof.
Bang Sue Junction

The northern end of the platform.
Bang Sue Junction

Motor unit of train passing through platform No. 4.