/*Railways in Thailand: Mae Klong Line Railways in Thailand: Mae Klong Line
Showing posts with label Mae Klong Line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mae Klong Line. Show all posts


Trip heading to Mae Klong Railway Market from Bangkok 5 of 5


From Mae Klong to Wongwian Yai.

Well then, this is the last journey.
I will return to Bangkok by train.

  from Mae Klong to Ban Laem     

Seats from Mae Klong station train were full.
Most of them were occupied by tourists.
However, that state was until the next station.
Almost all tourists got off, and the seat of the train became almost vacant.

It was crowded with tourists in the station and in the train.

Mae Klong Station

After many tourists got off got breathed a sigh of relief.
Mae Klong Line

Arrived at Ban Laem Station.
Ban Laem Station

  from Mahachai to Wongwian Yai 

This trip will be over in about one hour later.
I don’t want to go, but I have to.

Tourists were few at this station.
And the inside of the train was relatively vacant.

Maha Chai Station

I was slightly hit by the urge I wanted to get off.
Maha Chai Line

Arrived at Wongwian Yai Station.
Wongwian Yai Station

Someday, I would like to come back on this line again.

The End.


Trip heading to Mae Klong Railway Market from Bangkok 4 of 5


Walking around the market and the station area.

Arrived at the destination of the trip.
I will make a round-trip from the entrance at the railway crossing to the end of the market.

  Walking from the station side   

Entered to walk the railway market from the railway crossing in front of the station.

Mae Klong Railway Market

Railway is turning into a passage.
Mae Klong Railway Market

Walked to the edge of this market.
Mae Klong Railway Market

  Return way to the station    

I turned the way from the edge and walked slowly to watch the market.
For a while, fancy shops such as cafe's line up.

Mae Klong Railway Market

Mae Klong Railway Market

From here the market stores are lining up.
Mae Klong Railway Market

Mae Klong Railway Market

The location of the merchandise display is too close to the track.
Mae Klong Railway Market

I wonder if these items can be cleaned up every time the train passes.
Mae Klong Railway Market

Mae Klong Railway Market

Came back to the railway crossing in front of the station.
Mae Klong Railway Market

  Bus terminal near Mae Klong Station   

Because I had plenty of time to spare.
I decided to take a walk around the station.
So I found a bus terminal.

Bus terminal

I infiltrated the facility.
Bus terminal

The representation of the ticket office was only in Thai language.
I could not understand it at all.
Bus terminal

I found only one English desk.
There was a bus from here heading for Bangkok city.
Bus terminal

If you miss the last train, you can return to Bangkok from here.

To be continued.


Mae Klong Station : State Railway of Thailand

City : Mae Klong, Samut Songkhram, Thailand
Railway line : Mae Klong Line

I came to this station by transferring a train from the Wongwian Yai station.
Among the stations passed through, this station was the most crowded place with tourists. Because this is one of the most famous stations in Thailand.

Mae Klong Station

  Train departure                            

The train that I got on will go back to Ban Laem station.
This line has few operations.
4 round trip a day, that's all.
Therefore, the spare train was not waiting at this station.

Railway crossing in front of the station.
This is also the entrance to the railway market.

Mae Klong Station

Just before the train starts to depart, the train orbit begins to be made on the track.
Mae Klong Station

The train is departing.
Many tourists are gathering for taking photo.
Mae Klong Station

  Walking through the station    

After the train departed, the number of tourists decreased.
At this timing, I took a walk in the station.

Eating place in the station.
It was nearly full with tourists.

Mae Klong Station

Boards like railway sleepers were laid.
Mae Klong Station

Ticket office
Mae Klong Station

Mae Klong Station

The toilet is here.
There is a charge.
Mae Klong Station

This is the terminal end of the track.
Mae Klong river is flowing behind it.
Mae Klong Station

  Ferry platform                

There is a ferry platform next to the station.
Unlike the Maha Chai ferry, the number of passengers is small.

Ferry platform

The fare is 2 baht for one way for one person.
Ferry platform

At this time, I did not board the boat.

  Train arrival                     

I waited for the train arriving at the back of the station.
I judged that taking photo from this place does not prevent the progress of the train.

Mae Klong Station

Just before the train arrives.
Many travelers have gathered on the track.

Mae Klong Station

An arrival train appeared.
Mae Klong Station


Trip heading to Mae Klong Railway Market from Bangkok 3 of 5


From Ban Laem to Mae Klong by Western Line.

Got on the 7: 30 train to head the Mae Klong station.
It was about an hour trip to the destination.
The fare is 10 baht for one way for one person.

  Ban Laem Station            

Terminal station in early morning.
Several passengers and motorcycle taxi drivers are waiting for the train.

Ban Laem Station

The train arrived at the station.
Contrary to my expectation, few passengers got off.
Ban Laem Station

Inside the car just before departure.
The seat of the getting on train car did not fill up.
Mae Klong Line

  Passage station                 

It was a scene that feels more local color than Maha Chai line.

The passing stations of this route are as follows;
Tha Chalom,Ban Chi Phakhao,Khlong Nok Lek,Bang Si Kot,Bang Krachao,Ban Bo,Bang Thorat,Ban Ka Long,Ban Na Khwang,Ban Na Khok,Ket Muang,Lat Yai,Bang Krabun

I could not took photo all the station name plates.

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

Mae Klong Line

  Mae Klong Station          

Many tourists appeared just before arriving at this station.
It was enough to prevent the progress of the train.

Mae Klong Station

Mae Klong Station

Arrived at my destination.
To be continued.