/*Railways in Thailand: Wong Wian Yai Station : State Railway of Thailand Wong Wian Yai Station : State Railway of Thailand - Railways in Thailand


Wong Wian Yai Station : State Railway of Thailand

Location : Thonburi Bangkok (Krung Thep), Thailand
Railway line : Eastern (Maha Chai) Line of Mae Klong Line

This is a local line on the Bangkok suburb.
You can enjoy the atmosphere of Thai local.

Wong Wian Yai Station

Station sign at the station entrance.
The platform is hidden behind it.

Ticket window

Wong Wian Yai Station

Wong Wian Yai Station

The window is not open all the time.
It will be opened just before the train arrives.

Walkthrough the platform

Wong Wian Yai Station

Wong Wian Yai Station
Paid toilet.   The fee is 3 baht.

I walked from the entrance to the edge of the platform.

Wong Wian Yai Station

How was it that you felt the atmosphere of the station.
Various shops are open on the platform.
The key repair shop was beyond my understanding.

The train arrival

I have no plan to get on at this time, but I waited for the arrival of the next train.

Wong Wian Yai Station

The number of passengers getting off shows that this line functions as a leg of the inhabitants.

Walkthrough the platform and train

Went through the platform again.
At this time,I also passed through the train.

Wong Wian Yai Station

Wong Wian Yai Station

The train departure

After that, I waited for the departure of the train.
The train stop time is about 30 minutes.

Wong Wian Yai Station

Departure time was 13: 20.
At this time, hunger hit at my stretch.
I had lunch after train departure.